Meet Our Hosts

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Dr. Truth

Chad Holsclaw born in Louisville KY. “Doctor Truth” former professional volleyball player, researcher and talk show host. Chad became an investigative researcher after the events of September 11th, 2001.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][gap size=”1em”][text_output]

drdrakehd-1024x585Dr. Drake

Doc has been in Radio since 1993, he helped build a Gospel radio station ratings to a record high with Gospel 1400 The Light- Doctor Drake was syndicated across America on The Light.


Years ago, Doctor started asking questions like: Why is there a pyramid with an eye on the back of the dollar? Who is the Illuminati? Why a lot of pastors are Masons? So he prayed and ask God to open his eyes and took the RED PILL of TRUTH and went down the rabbit hole. You will be shocked to hear where those question led him.


His mission is to use the bird seed system to open the eyes of them that are asleep. (Say you are at a park with food for the pigeons, if you chase the birds with the food they will fly away. But if you sit back and give them a little by little they will come to you.)


Doctor is truly a non party person, he knows it helps to see the clear truth that both part are the same- they call them EleDonkeys.


His favorite thing to say don’t believe them, get a pen out and check it out for yourself.


Maranatha Maranatha- Keep shining!

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The Sentinel (Producer)
